1. Added options modul
2. Supports color schemes
3. Supporting the following languages: Bulgarian, English, English(US), Russian, German, Romanian, Spanish,Turkish
4. Maintenance for all countries from Warehouse Pro Light
5. Method of communication on UPD protocol
6. Method of communication on TCP protocol (Instant messaging)
7. Method of communication via direct access to the
8. Saving received messages and recovery after a possible restart of the program (UDP, TCP)
9. Working with every resolution higher or equal to 800x600
10. Added button to exit of the program
11. Added button to identify and change the user when working with direct access to the database
12. Added buttons to move up and down the table when working with direct access to the database
13. Added “Help” – analogic to this in Warehouse Pro Light
14. Ability to access all the functions working with TouchScreen or with keybord
15. Automatic locking when workin with direct access to the database
16. Option “Assisstant “ to show help text when passing over the buttons
17. Option to complete order of goods (or entire order at once) working with direct access to the database
18.Opportunity to set a password for access to he options working on UDP or TCP