1. New parameter added to Crystal document - @ActiveUserID;
2. Fixed an error when importing operations with last partner price;
3. Correction when creating a new database with items and transferring numbering;
4. Optimization on parsing the parameters with intervals during operation import;
5. optimization when sending multi-line text in email;
6. Added a new report Revision (Classic) to the Documents menu;
7. Optimization for Revision with batches - quantities not to be loaded up to 6 digits;
8. SQL optimization for the Revision report - to ignore the link to operations.lot in non-batch databases;
9. SQL optimization for calculating quantity as of Revision date;
10. Optimization when creating new batches for Revision;
11. Optimization of electronic invoice export for Romania;
12. Optimization of the Delete Period procedure - ignoring advances when receiving the NextAcct list;
13. Optimization when deleting a period in a batch database;
14. Correction when printing a summary receipt - correct operation to be loaded by number;
15. Optimization when previewing Crystal documents;
16. Correction of automatic hiding of information panels when minimizing the program;
17. Incorrect behavior of information panels has been fixed;
18. Added visualization of a message when stopping trigger action;
19. Fixed an error when recording an operation without a specified batch (Proforma, Order) with Access database type;
20. Optimization of incorrect date during automatic production for transformation to issue;
21. Added handling of DatabaseNoSpaceException error when writing to tempdb;
22. Update of the reports for Microinvest Pool Manager;
23. Optimization when transferring numbering while creating a new database with items;
24. Correction of requests for creating a new database with items - initial revision was not created;
25. Correction of requests for creating a new database with items - update of invalid VAT groups to the main group;
26. Optimization of the Delete Period procedure;
27. New export for an electronic invoice to the NRA - Romania;
28. Correction of SQL queries when loading documents with zero prices for OSS operations.
1. Global overhaul of Stock taking functionality.
2. The ability to edit Stock takings has been restored.
3. A new "Auto-fill" option has been added for Stock taking.
4. The option to add Stock taking to a specific date is now available.
5. Optimized operation transformation into Stock taking.
6. Fixed repeated flickering when adding items during Stock taking.
7. Added the capability to sell from AxisCloud into the lots database.
8. Changed the path of the log file when receiving an operation from AxisCloud.
9. Optimized adding promotional items - a permanent note should be included.
10. Optimized Crystal document generation – parameters were added.
11. Optimized Crystal document generation - creating a copy of the file to avoid closing the RPT document during editing.
12. Optimized the "Update" button.
13. Implemented an automatic update process when downloading a fix - no user intervention is required
14. Fixed an error when importing a purchase request.
15. Optimized the advanced group selection window in reports - new buttons have been added.
16. Fixed flickering of the program after closing the nomenclatures window.
17. Corrected the application of access rights from the context menu.
18. Correction of row alignment when loading Returns/Settlement of Consignments.
19. Monitoring the extended database errors
20. Added a check when creating a new payment type in replication.
21. Added automatic deduction of the advance payment in the POS Screen.
22. Changed the logic for weighing goods in the Trade Screen when working with batches.
23. Optimized import of items from Excel - unit and others should be set by default if not specified.
24. Optimized import of nomenclatures from XLS - the print name should not be replaced if not specified.
25. Fixed an error during import if the sheet name starts or ends with a space.
26. Fixed an export to Delta Pro when an object is selected.
27. Changed the logic for switching from batch to weighted average price.
28. Shift button skips the document edit check.
29. Fixed illegible text in Visual Styles Animation and Lime.
30. Optimized exporting reports to Excel.
31. Changed the date when the computer goes to sleep.
32. Added an "Options" button to the screen after importing an Order/Request/Offer.
33. Added a new country, Hungary.
34. Added a new country, Slovakia.
35. Added a new country, Serbia.
1. Acceleration during loading access rights;
2. Full support while sending e-mail with TLS 1.2;
3. Date format check when merging documents;
4. Line splitting optimization in Advanced Delivery;
5. Line splitting optimization when delivering lots;
6. Optimization at /barcodeprefix;
7. Optimized loading of the list of External Applications from the registry;
8. Correction of the request for filtering available goods in the selection window when working with lots;
9. Added transmission of measure to DeviceManager/SmartPrinter;
10. Added transmission of IIN/BIN to DeviceManager/SmartPrinter - Kazakhstan;
11. Added transmission of Catalog 1 (HSCode) to DeviceManager/SmartPrinter - Kenya;
12. Load NoFilters during loading reports;
13. Changed VAT groups - KE/TZ/ZW;
14. Added separate serialization file for groups for the Trade Screen;
15. Removed CTRL+Q key combination from all windows except menu;
16. New Interop.DeviceManager.dll 1.03.007 (2.0).
1. The new hardware keys and mini dongles are supported;
2. Added Electronic invoice for Romania;
3. Extended replace function for Catalog field in the Item’s import;
4. Optimized Object selection in the Import module;
5. New option to print Fiscal receipt on Debit Note;
6. Alternate Price calculation is applied in Orders, Offers and Proform-Invoice;
7. Expanded VAT exchange in Axis Cloud sales transfer;
8. Exchange with Axis Cloud is independent from Prices with VAT settings;
9. Date selection optimizations, invalid dates are automatically corrected;
10. Calendar selection optimizations, invalid dates are automatically corrected;
11. Additional data in Invoice selection is restricted to the past 30 days;
12. New progress bar was added in the group operations in the Items;
13. Import is managed by the permissions menu for the current user;
14. The file name is validated upon adding picture in the POS Screen;
15. Names of the months are synchronized with the current OS localization;
16. New permission for Daily Report on the main screen. The setting is applied in Microinvest Handy too;
17. New fiscal and POS devises were added in the settings;
18. Fixed the ISO codes for different countries and localizations in the software.
1. Additional checks for Default printer for the Reports;
2. Additional checks for Default printer for the Crystal documents;
3. Auto select "Database" on Special tab in the Settings;
4. Option to clear the drafts for the operations;
5. New option "Don't ask again" for the drafts of the operations;
6. New technology for save/restore drafts of the operations;
7. Optimized serialization management in the software;
8. The context menus are linked with Microinvest Assistant option;
9. The new Database is optimized on nvarchar fields on MSSQL Server;
10. New functionality on revaluation for Romania;
11. Optimized Raport de Gestiune for Romania;
12. Free space checks for the Database and disk on product start;
13. Additional checks for coloring the table with Items type with Null values;
14. Double Firewall entry was removed for Axis Cloud integration;
15. Optimized production when using Items with comma in the name;
16. Optimized Advanced payment for Partner;
17. Purchase price is suppressed in Revaluation according to the user's permissions;
18. Fixed loading of the incorrect formulas for price rules;
19. Added permissions to the operations list for Import Operations;
20. Applied permissions to the context menus;
21. Item code length set to 255 chars, previously 50 chars;
22. New digit format for the Price column in Production operation;
23. Increased size of the script fields in the Database;
24. New number format in the short fiscal receipt print;
25. The Lots quantities are optimized to follow the number formats in the settings;
26. Additional checks for Null in the PriceOut field on printing the receipts;
27. Device Manager multiple updates.
1. Added a database connection check when opening different windows;
2. Added a database connection check before saving operations;
3. Added TaxNo and Note1 to the PKO/RKO printing scheme;
4. Added operations Received Debit Note and Received Credit Note for transformation;
5. Added Credit Note to Payment - notification in Excel;
6. Added possibility to sort in the locator;
7. Added check to see if the database is in replication;
8. Added capture of Identity Range error in replication;
9. Added option for serialization/deserialization of draft operation;
10. Added note retrieval when creating operation from report;
11. Added a context menu for group editing of nomenclatures;
12. Added DeviceTestTool dictionary;
13. Changed Note to DealReason for AxisCloud;
14. Added Weight gain from a defined scale for all operations;
15. Added data encoding in base64 for Marked goods for SmartPrinter;
16. Optimization has been made when collecting payment for the export of the audit file;
17. The application of price rules for services when work with Lots;
18. A one-time application of currency was made when printing receipts;
19. Added Barcode and Catalog fields fill when loading consignment data;
20. Changed timeout in the window for configuring database connection from settings;
21. Corrected Cashbook entry with an active option in the fiscal device management window;
22. Updated documents 80mm;
23. Updated reports Raport de Gestiune - Romania;
24. Updated UPD - Russia;
25. Updated DeviceManager;
26. Optimization when transferring the last selling price when creating a new database with nomenclatures;
27. Optimized transfer of quantities when creating a new template database;
28. Fixed error while editing the partner without OSS mode;
29. Fixed sorting error (Expecting 1 value (s) for the key being indexed, but received 0 value (s).);
30. Correction in the request for issued invoices deleting from operations with enabled numeration by locations;
31. Fixed reprinting and cancellation of OSS Credit Notice;
32. Fixed format of date for a new template database;
33. Correction when issuing an E-Invoice in XML format (using net 2.0 scheme);
34. Reworked procedures of rebuild store for items and services;
35. Added generation of QR code for Crystal documents - Saudi Arabia;
36. Added 2 new documents for KSA - InvoiceSaudiArabia.rpt and SaleReceiptSaudiArabia.rpt;
37. Denied editing of operations from the Reports module - Saudi Arabia;
38. Different menus have been hidden - Saudi Arabia;
39. Added filling of Sum column when editing Purchase – Romania;
40. Fixed error of exporting to Azhur - L – Warehouse;
41. Optimization of city parsing in Russian companies;
42. Added country Netherlands;
43. Added possibility to determine data for companies by INN and KPP - Russia;
44. Added Mark inquiry at Touch screen - Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine;
45. Added transfer of IIN/BIN to the cash register – Kazakhstan;
46. Added possibility to transfer Refund parameters – Ukraine;
47. Added CKB Bank - CSV in the window for import of bank payments;
48. Added generation of QR code for Crystal documents for odx.bg - Bulgaria.
1. Added Graphic reports:
- Analysis by locations;
- Distribution of sales over time;
- User analysis;
- Analysis by groups of items;
- VAT and Turnover;
- VAT Balance;
- Last 10 operations (Value);
- Last 10 operations (quantity);
- Available quantity;
- Top 10 of items;
- Turnover
2. Complex improvement of reports:
- template023_salesbygoodsrealtime (Grouped sales by items)
+ filter by catalog
- template003_goodsavailability (Availability by date with sale and delivery price)
+ filter type reference (standard and with а sign)
+ filter by quantity
- document005_Itemsflowreport.mur (Balance of items by days)
+ filter type of items
- template012_goodsbelongs.mur (Items by locations)
+ filter type of items
- template017_qttybylocation.mur (Availability by location)
+ filter type of items
- template026_startendqttywithoutVAT.mur (Availability in start and end period)
+ filter type of items
- template049_invnoinvgoods.mur (Invoiced and uninvoiced quantities of items)
+ filter type of items
- template053_trialbalance.mur (Turnover balance)
+ filter type of items
- template057_trialbalance_price2.mur (Turnover balance of sales prices)
+ filter type of items
- Items flow (Reports – Items flow)
+ filter type of items
- template108_SalesByAmountForFourPeriods.mur (New report in Report manager - Sales by amounts for four periods)
- template111_ControlPro.mur (New report in Report Manager - Report for Control Pro)
- template112_FormsABExcises.mur (New report in Report manager – Reports A and B - Russia)
3. Corrected export to Audit file
4. Optimization in determining payment types when loading the last type - by ID instead of by type
5. Optimization in recipe recalculating - delivery prices of items to be updated
6. Optimization in SQL query for Insert when editing recipes
7. Optimization permanent remark for Revision operation
8. Automatic change of user language to us_english in the SQL server
9. Optimization in the invoicing window and check box for issuing a receipt
10. Database connection optimization - message when connection is lost
11. An invalid value check (such as an empty Lot) has been added to the Direct Production operation
12. Added user language change to us_english (MSSQL)
13. Added ability to search for IBAN partners
14. Added option for group printing when issuing invoices - Romania
15. Added change of focus when paying in POS Screen
16. Correction of 80 mm invoice - VAT numbers exchanged
17. Optimization in adding of items and constant note - to add items faster
18. UserLevel for AxisCloud has been added
19. Grouping of note, lot during production has been removed
20. Correction of the formula for calculating VAT on excise goods - Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine
21. Added support for marked goods - Ukraine
22. Added support for marked goods (milk) - Russia
23. The option Marked items to be visible to Ukraine
24. Correction of change of date when editing document – time not to be set
25. A new functionality for import of bank payments has been added - Bulgaria
26. Added ability to identify a product with a catalog when importing operations from Excel
27. Two new Crystal Documents have been added - Russia
28. Optimization when creating a new location and zero value in PriceIn in some items
29. The timeout when creating a new base with nomenclatures has been increased to 30 minutes
30. Fixed error when closing information window with a script with a hidden start help panel
31. Optimize SQL query to retrieve data in Access in the payment window
32. Optimization when switching between pricing rules with arrows
33. A new Encoding Georgian has been added
34. Two OSS operations have been added – Extended Refund and Extended Credit Note
35. Update of xlsgen to
36. A new language has been added - Azerbaijani
37. Optimization of the functions for recalculation of quantities in the warehouse – services will not be included
38. Accelerated function for optimized recalculation of quantities in the warehouse in MySQL
39. Fixed error when sorting in the window for selection of items, partners (Expecting 1 value (s) for the key being indexed, but received 0 value (s).)
40. Update of DeviceManager.dll
1. Added a new type of operation - Advanced sale (with the possibility to change the VAT group for goods);
2. Added export to the Audit file for e-shops;
3. Added import from the Audit file from e-shops;
4. Added a new button to copy prices to all price groups when the price is zero;
5. Added refresh of the information when sending an e-mail from Reports;
6. Added message after generating of barcodes;
7. Added serialization to ALL option in the window for creating operations and editing nomenclatures;
8. Added possibility to generate a barcode after entering the first 2 digits;
9. Added verification of invalid values upon receive of the last payment type;
10.    Optimization of Touch Screen window;
11.    Change in order of prices in the window for editing goods - Retail price now at the top;
12.    Change of default VAT rates for Ireland - 23% / 13.5% / 9% / 4.8%;
13.    Change of default VAT rates for Cyprus - 19% / 9% / 5%;
14.    Change of default VAT rates for Latvia - 21% / 12% / 5%;
15.    Change of default VAT rates for Romania - 19% / 9% / 5% / 0%;
16.    Added new setting in the Touch Screen - Default customer;
17.    Optimization in recovery of suspended save in Touch Screen;
18.    Optimization in recalculation procedures;
19.    Optimization in Group payment - the documents with negative values will not be paid;
20.    Optimization in Custom production of services when working with Lots;
21.    Optimization in buttons adding to the Toolbar;
22.    Optimization in Touch Screen window closing;
23.    Optimization in window for creating and editing nomenclatures;
24.    Optimization in Production - only the last recipe will be loaded;
25.    Optimization in the window for adding goods - the entered value will not be lost;
26.    Optimized the reading invalid data from the partner's card;
27.    Optimization in Transfer document editing- after saving the operation, will be made an optimized rebuild of items in stock;
28.    Deactivated check box for printing a cash receipt in the payment window when issuing a Credit Note (CN);
29.    Corrected visual inaccuracy when issuing a Refund with US regional settings;
30.    Fixed error in Reports – Documents list;
31.    Corrected previewing of report before sending by e-mail;
32.    Removed the text NOT TRANSLATED on the checkboxes in the data filtering window in the reports, when work method – with Lots;
33.    Redesigned the window of Operations exchange;
34.    Changed SendKeys.Send function to Sendkeys.SendWait;
35.    Hide Options when editing an Advanced purchase;
36.    Hide Options when editing an Advanced sale;
37.    Changed the focus when opening the windows for creating or editing nomenclatures;
38.    Extended properties of columns in mur:
- Format => Document - format the column as a numeric value up to 10 characters;
- Translate => true/false, apply a dictionary to translate the column;
39.    Renamed the log file to Error.log;
40.    Change of Grouped sales report by items - added filter by catalog;
41.    Change of the report Availability as of date with purchase and sale price – added the type of report (standard and with a sign);
42.    Allowed re-printing of an invoice if set Edit documents restriction;
43.    Transformations removed from taking of nextacct;
44.    Added new reports - VAT on sales under OSS and Register of sales under OSS - Bulgaria;
45.    Optimization in communication with AxisCloud;
46.    Optimization in document recording issued by AxisCloud;
47.    Corrected the exporting to Microinvest Delta Pro - only cash payments are exported;
48.    Corrected the exporting to Microinvest Delta Pro - ignoring unpaid documents in the cash report;
49.    Change in the partner's card to have a choice of country - Bulgaria;
50.    Optimization in checking of catalog for marked items - Russia;
51.    Added mechanism for downloading goods receipts from rs.ge - Georgia.
1. Automatic loading of E-mail from the partner when re-printing the document;
2. Corrected export to Microinvest Delta Pro to negative values;
3. Optimization when exporting to Microinvest Delta Pro fields from partners containing null
4. Optimization when recalculating recipes;
5. Change of port from 587 to 465 for mail.ru;
6. Added support for downloading documents - rs.ge - Georgia;
7. An error was fixed during an automatic Transfer operation;
8. Optimization for deserialization of comboboxes;
9. IIN verification in selected country Kazakhstan;
10. BIN verification in selected country Kazakhstan;
11. Forced printing of a fiscal receipt, provided that the option is prohibited in the access rights – Russia;
12. Correction at startup with flag startup.ru - not to change country;
13. Correction at startup with flag startup.en - to select English and country Cyprus;
14. Automatic date change at 00:00:00;
15. Optimization for cash payment when editing documents – was not visible in the list;
16. In case of full payment with advance payment not to issue a fiscal receipt;
17. Optimization of the process for synchronization of goods (sending new goods);
18. Added possibility to change the name of the item during the import of nomenclatures through Adding goods;
19. Added change of the Location during the transformation of reports, provided that the user is locked to the Location;
20. A change of the partner in the Point of Sale in Operations has been added;
21. Added support for sending more than one E-mail;
22. Added calculation of the amount of all documents involved in invoicing;
23. Added to ignore opertype 2038 when receiving a credit note;
24. Optimization when saving settings;
25. Possibility to change the name of a price rule;
26. Apply a lock restriction to create operations;
27. Apply a lock restriction to create a cash book entry;
28. Optimization for deserialization of .dat files;
29. Added new information window for marketing promotions;
30. Added exchange rate lock in the currency editing window;
31. Added ignoring of MRP for cigarettes - Kazakhstan;
32. Added a hard replacement of MRP for cigarettes - Russia;
33. Correction for combined operation with a negative amount - Romania;
34. Added new country, Zimbabwe;
35. Added new country, Namibia;
36. Added reference Sales with Reversal by documents to the owner's reports;
37. Added reference Sales with Reversal by types of payments to the owner's reports.
1. Optimization for recalculation of purchase price (recalculates and VAT)
2. Fixed error while during edit of operation - did not recalculate amount;
3. Translation optimization in the windows for Import of nomenclatures and operations;
4. Optimization in the translation in the Edit - Administration - Service Menu - Clean Up Data window;
5. Optimization in setting the format of the culture in different modules (dates, separators);
6. Restored serialization of VAT group and type of items;
7. Settings for communication with Microinvest Device Manager and Microinvest Smart Printer are moved to Devices section;
8. Updated DeviceManager.dll;
9. Fixed error during Transfer and Stock-taking;
10. Fixed error during New template database;
11. Optimization in the window for creating a new template database;
12. Optimization for creation of new template database with MySQL;
13. Optimization for using of services of Microinvest;
14. Optimization for using of DeviceManager.dll;
15. Optimization for detecting of antivirus for GDPR check;
16. Added column Profit to the report Grouped sales by items;
17. Added total to the report Issued Consignments;
18. Added time to ECR receipt for Refund parameters - Bulgaria;
19. Optimization during payments from window Edit - Payments - Payments - Bulgaria;
20. Optimization during payments from window Edit - Payments - Payments with full payment;
21. Optimization for payment type with ID higher than 10;
22. Optimization in window Issue Invoice - if there is printed cash receipt by operation then the option "to cash register" would be inactive - Bulgaria;
23. Removed error "socket is busy" from logging to WebServer;
24. Added profiler for data exchange with AxisCloud - Portmon;
25. Added new windows for scanning Datamatrix - Russia and Kazakhstan;
26. Changed the query for creation of the table EGAISExcise at Access - Russia, Kazakhstan;
27. Added support for sending of marked goods to Microinvest Smart Printer - Russia, Kazakhstan;
28. Added possibility for identification of alcoholic goods by excise stamps (68 and 150) - Russia;
29. Correction of Refund when printing via Microinvest Smart Printer - Bulgaria;
30. Optimization in the window Edit - Administration - Add items;
31. Enabled possibility to choose if should be printed receipt - Russia;
32. Optimization for transformation of documents with lots;
33. Print confirmation in Touch Screen is disabled by default;
34. Optimization of loading USN during issuing of Credit Note and summarized receipt - Bulgaria;
35. Eliminated error SystemOutOfMemory during working with big sized data;
36. Added possibility for quick automatic update of software;
37. Optimization of loading data for Refund parameters- added serial number for ECR - Bulgaria;
38. Update of xlsgen to version 4.9;
49. Expansion of the report Nomenclatures - Items with Catalog 3 distributed by fields;
40. Corrected visual inaccuracy in the file selection window;
41. Removed records with Opertype > 1000 from the Operations report;
42. Added the new document "Revaluation Act" - Russia;
43. Added support for more than 9 config files (/config##);
44. Added support for more than one background##.jpg (/config##);
45. Optimization of document transformation and automatic production;
46. Optimization for export to Delta Pro with active setting "prices with VAT";
47. Added a new reference Sales by amounts for two periods;
48. The status of the column Availability was corrected to be enabled by default in the Revision operation;
49. Optimization in the Quick Search window;
50. Optimization during sending an email;
51. Optimization in Touch Screen;
52. Optimization in the selection of goods from the table of operations;
53. Optimization in obtaining data for goods by barcode.
1. Migration of product to Net Framework 4;
2. Update of xlsgen to V4;
3. Update of CrystalReports to Runtime 13;
4. Added automatic disable of NX-bit in installer;
5. DeviceManager made to be standalone as a regular file without needing to be re-registered;
6. Changed method of calculating discount for Crystal documents;
7. Added new functionality - Information panels (Minimal width = 1440);
8. Added new module "Fast document search";
9. Added new button X-report to the Refund parameters window - Bulgaria;
10. Added integration with rs.ge (for sending electronic invoices) - Georgia;
11. Added possibility to make sales with negative quantites - Romania;
12. Added ignoring for zero-valued USN during reading and writing - Bulgaria;
13. Added new country - Ireland;
14. Added column Amount to the window for edit and reprint Purchases and Sales;
15. Added possibility to change the partner during Invoicing;
16. Added new permissions for option Issue Invoice;
17. Added new permissions for option Customize toolbar;
18. Added second column Availability for Transfer;
19. Added restriction of period for edit records in Cash ledger;
20. Added exchange of database connection values between Microinvest Warehouse Pro and Microinvest Barcode Printer Pro;
21. Added possibility to edit partners and items directly from table in reports;
22. Added possibility to reprint invoices from Report Issued Invoices;
23. Added confirmation of changing of option for changing the document in Transformation;
24. Added filter Locations groups to the report Items In Stock;
25. Added restriction to change item's type in database with lots (when the item's type is Service);
26. Removed fields VAT group and Item's type from serialization;
27. Added coloring of items with type Service;
28. Optimization of switching between operations (Ctrl + Tab);
29. Optimization for Group payment with selected one document;
30. Optimization of window for sending email;
31. Optimization of loading of last payment type;
32. Optimization for report Received Credit Notes;
33. Optimization for transformation of documents to Credit Notes;
34. Optimization of applying visual styles;
35. Optimization of loading last sale price for MySQL/MariaDB;
36. Optimization for work with service and database with lots;
37. Optimization for import of items from module Import of operations;
38. Optimization of recalculation purchase prices and Work Method - Last Purchase Price;
39. Optimization for selecting item with zero-valued barcode in operation;
40. Optimization for void advanced payments;
41. Optimization for window Payments (Error "SystemOutOfMemory");
42. Reworked export to Microinvest Delta Pro (9/20%%) - Bulgaria;
43. Removed table Transformation from loading Max(Acct);
44. Changed start screen - Romania;
45. Optimization in check connection to fiscal printer in module Control of ECR device;
46. Fixed error when generating report Tax Receipts and filled filter Total
47. Fixed error Invalid Cast DBNull to Date;
48. Fixed wrong price group after import of operation;
49. Fixed error "Cannot access a disposed object" after edit of operation;
50. Optimization of translations;
51. Created communication with AxisCloud;
52. Added opening of the port for communication with AxisCloud in the firewall.
1. Optimized window for exporting Crystal documents - the first option is PDF instead of RPT;
2. Added document cipher to Crystal documents - Bulgaria;
3. Added separate Crystal documents, as classic, for the following countries:
    - Belarus;
    - Bulgaria;
    - Kazakhstan;
    - Romania;
    - Russia;
    - Ukraine;
4. Optimized standard documents of 80 mm in the presence of goods from different groups of VAT in operations;
5. Optimized receipt document - Romania;
6. Optimized export of reports - application of the format for prices and quantities;
7. Optimization of the Advance payment report;
8. For products marked as a Service, the quantity is always 0 in reports;
9. For goods marked as a Service, the quantity is always 0 on the goods availability screen;
10. A new filter “Without services” has been added to the following reports:
    - Items in Stock;
    - Availability as of;
    - Availability as of date with purchase and sale price (from the Reports Manager);
11. Optimized filter for VAT groups in reports;
12. Added possibility to create goods when importing operations;
13. Added a check - when creating a database whose name begins with a digit;
14. Extended functionality to create a new database with the nomenclature;
15. Optimized the creation of a new template database and transfer of users bounded to objects;
16. Group payment optimized;
17. Optimized window for Stock-taking payment - the partner has been deleted;
18. Optimized recalculate of purchase prices - now included Stock-taking;
19. Optimized deletion of the company data;
20. Search optimized from UIC - Bulgaria;
21. Added functionality for printing generalized invoice payment - Bulgaria;
22. Optimized printing via Microinvest Smart Printer for an unpaid operation - the wrong type of receipt was recorded;
23. Fixed type of receipt when paying by bank using Microinvest Smart Printer;
24. Added registration of service operations from the window Tools - Control of ECR devices in the ECRReceipts table (X report/Z report/Pay in/Pay out);
25. Added option to print a duplicate from the window Tools - Control of ECR devices;
26. Added general control from the window Tools - Control of ECR devices via Smart Printer;
27. H18 Checking communication with fiscal device (FD) at the opening of sales;
28. H18 Added warning for operations in which a fiscal receipt was issued;
29. H18 Added possibility to edit transactions that have no payment and fiscal receipt;
30. H18 Added a cancellation check for a Sales Management System in Trade Object (SMSTO) operation that has payment;
31. H18 Added check for changing the country, if there is already a Unique Number of Sale (UNS);
32. H18 The list of actions that are recorded in the Application Log has been expanded;
33. H18 All reports for the Auditor profile are allowed;
34. H18 Optimization in the dashboard in the reports, upon entry with the profile of the Auditor;
35. H18 Disabled Auditor options in the settings;
36. H18 Optimized reports for National Agency of Incomes (NAI);
37. H18 Optimized installer;
38. H18 Added generation of UNS in the Advance payment window;
39. H18 Checking the connection with the cash register when issuing an Advance payment receipt;
40. Н18 Added generation of UNS at Debit note;
41. H18 Reworked list for operations of Refund - added Consignments;
42. H18 Hiding the payment window upon Refund - always paid in full in cash;
43. H18 Added verification confirming that the sale was paid when creating the Refund;
44. H18 UNS is taken from the source document when issuing the invoice for the Credit note by account;
45. H18 A new method of printing receipts has been introduced, with:
    - Partial payment;
    - Final settlement;
    - Payment with Advance payment;
46. When working without SMSTO mode, the Refund operation is allowed;
47. Optimized Refund when entering the cash register number OO000000;
48. A warning has been added when making Refund ofSale paid by Bank;
49. A warning has been added with a Credit Note about cash payment;
50. Added option to display in the Cash Ledger about pay in and pay out;
51. Optimization in the Cash Ledger when deleting and editing entries;
52. Removed hidden locations and users from the list in the Cash Ledger;
53. Custom production optimized;
54. The reprint of the invoice is optimized when the database type is MySQL / MariaDB;
55. Optimized the transformation of documents with entered lots (taken from the source document, if such exist);
56. Added technology if there are goods with a negative price in the Sale, will be printed summary receipt;
57. Added column Availability to other operations;
58. Added possibility to dynamically control the Availability column in the operation window;
59. Added possibility to dynamically manage the Currency column in the operation window;
60. Added possibility to issue a fiscal receipt upon Refund - Kazakhstan;
61. Optimization when editing price groups for different levels of users;
62. Overriding rights to change passwords;
63. Optimization of settings:
    - Organizing COM ports in device connection settings;
    - The settings for printing cash receipts will be applied only to the program and will be inactive for users;
    - Print settings apply to the workplace not to the user;
    - The setting "Printing lot list" was moved to the Special section;
    - Added test of connection with Microinvest Smart Printer;
    - From the sections General, Visual, Operations and Print the menu "For the database" has been deleted;
    - The settings of the Touch Screen are set for the program and not for users;
    - Added setting Comission percent (%);
64. Optimized function Window - Restore default window settings;
65. Optimization when scanning a barcode containing a lot mask;
66. Bug fixed The RPC Server is unavailable;
67. Visual optimization of the Stock-taking window when working with lots and user is bound to object;
68. Added possibility to update the transferred for consignment - Bulgaria;
69. Added technology for easy and automatic filling of quantities in the Sales on consignment;
70. Added blocking of the group payment button for one selected document;
71. Optimized payment window - memorization and dynamic choice of payment method;
72. Added check if the database is in replication;
73. Added possibility to fill in the accompanying text in the window for sending e-mail;
74. Optimized restore of Access database - an entry is made in the Application Log;
75. Optimization at initial loading and creating a list of documents and reports;
76. Optimized removal of Stock-taking;
77. Optimized export to Delta Pro;
78. Optimized work with labeled items - Russia;
79. Added support for labeled items - Kazakhstan;
80. Optimization in non-SMSTO mode and generation of UNS;
81. Changed algorithm for reading and saving of labeled items - Russia, Kazakhstan;
82. Optimization of the use of UNS during Transformation;
83. Calendar optimization for countries where the first day of the week is not Monday;
84. Optimization of document navigation in a window with an open for editing operation;
85. Optimization of Clean up data and Cashbook.ObjectID = null;
86. Added a filter for the period in the list box with consignments;
87. Optimization of drivers of cash registers;
88. Optimization when reading fields containing null from the database.
1. Added possibility to issue a fiscal receipt when making a Refund operation - Ukraine;
2. Added possibility to issue Stock receipt from the Touch screen;
3. Added sending of data about Partner to fiscal devices - Russia;
4. Optimization in the identification of marked shoes - Russia;
5. Optimization during editing operations and erroneous status in the Store table;
6. Added CTRL+M shortcut to open Reports manager;
7. Optimized printing of cash receipts if is presented Advanced payment - Russia;
8. Improved algorithm for generating USN in accordance with the new requirements of the Revenue Agency;
9. Optimized deletion of converted items during Document Transformation;
10. Added registration of DeviceManager.dll when opening the settings window while running as administrator;
11. Added new command parameter /BarcodePrefixNN;
12. Added application of access permissions for system files in the installer;
13. Removed dictionaries Dictionary.??.xml from the installer;
14. Optimized keyboard shortcuts and settings that interfere with the operation of SUPTO;
15. Optimized Global production;
16. Added option “Do not ask again” in the Invoice window;
17. Added Credit note for Import Operations;
18. Optimized function SetCodeToolTip;
19. Optimized applying of price rules when adding goods (currency was not displayed);
20. Optimization of the change in the sale price upon Purchase in foreign currency;
21. Added the ability to change the currency immediately for the whole document;
22. Added automatic weight request when adding goods with a weight barcode;
23. Change in RPT documents - is disabled binding to Microsoft PDF Printer;
24. Added possibility to select a Partner (text field) in the window of Automatic request;
25. Added due date support for the Purchase.
26. Added window for parameters for Return - Bulgaria;
27. Added Auditors profile - Bulgaria;
28. Optimization in grouping of rows in operations;
29. Reworked window for fiscal reports in menu Other - Reports;
30. Added monthly reports to menu Other - Reports;
31. Added support of new devices;
32. Added Payin and Payout to cashbook;
33. Added possibility to edit column Sum in Purchase during transformation of Advanced Purchase;
34. Added column Available to operations Sale and
35. Added hotkeys F9 (pay by cash) and F11 (pay by card) to Touch Screen;
36. Optimizied sorting by code in Touch Screen;
37. Added support of new payment types;
38. Optimized report Documents -> Tax Receipts when ReceiptType = 8 (USN);
39. Added possibility to search in reports in the middle of the Barcode 3 field;
40. Optimized SQL query in the Sales by hours summary report;
41. Optimized Grouped Operations report - loading ObjectID when selecting an Object in filters;
42. Optimized creation of operations from reports when working with Lots;
43. Optimized sorting in report Documents List;
44. Optimization in filter "Multi selection of groups";
45. Added new filter "Multi selection of groups" to Reports Manager;
46. Termination of support of Oracle type of database.
1. Added an icon of Warehouse Pro in "Programs and Features".
2. Added USN when transmitting data to a cash register in accordance with Regulation H-18 - Bulgaria.
3. Extended list of supported cash registers in accordance with Regulation H-18 - Bulgaria.
4. Extended error handling when transmitting data to a cash register in accordance with Regulation H-18 - Bulgaria.
5. Upon advance payment item "Advance payment" takes the VAT group of "Default item" - Russia, Romania.
6. In case of a payment for a refund or a sale from "Edit -> Payments -> Payments -> Payment" in the cash receipt is recorded the VAT Group of "Default item" - Russia.
7. Update of report "Приходы/продажи алкогольной и пивной продукции за период (квартальный)" - Русия.
8. Added check for a missing component when opening "Tools -> Reports".
9. Added possibility to edit all price groups for an owner, which is locked to an object.
10. Added "Options" button when operation "Refund" is created from a report window.
11. Added possibility to print a receipt when operation "Refund" is created from a report window. - Russia.
12. Replaced "WizRetail" with "Microinvest Warehouse Pro" - Romania.
13. Added compatibility for fiscal printers - Bulgaria:
- "Datecs DP-150"
- "Datecs DP-25"
- "Datecs DP-35"
- "Datecs WP-50"
- "Datecs DP-05"
- "Daisy Compact S"
- "Daisy Compact M"
- "Tremol M20"
14. Added compatibility for fiscal printers - Romania:
- "Datecs DP-25 LAN Romania"
- "Datecs DP-25 Serial Romania"
15. Forwarding the VAT number to the cash register – Romania.
16. Added possibility to enter VAT number in the "Note" window to an operation - Romania.
17. Added possibility to enter VAT number in the "Note" window on the touch screen - Romania.
18. Updated documents - changed VAT value from 18% to 20% - Russia:
- "Счёт (Россия)"
- "Товарная квитанция по приходу товаров (Россия)"
- "Товарная квитанция по продаже товаров (Россия)"
19. Changed VAT value from 18% to 20% when creating a database - Russia.
20. Fixed bug - error in report "Payments by Partners" when sorting.
21. Fixed bug - error when restoring an Access database.
22. Fixed bug - error when saving settings.
1. Added operation "Receive consignment".
2. Added operation "Deliveries on received consignment".
3. Added operation "Return received consignment".
4. Added category "Devices" for selection and setting of:
- printers;
- customer's display;
- electronic scale.
5. Added "Reports" category in "Settings" with possibility for:
- generating Z-report;
- generating X-report;
- pay in;
- pay out.
6. Possibility to receive an invoice for "Deliveries on received consignment".
7. Added print documents for:
- "Receive consignment";
- "Return received consignment".
8. Added report "Received consignments".
9. Added report "Received consignment turnover".
10. Added report "Amounts due by Consignees".
11. Possibility to merge "Received consignments".
12. Optimization of export to accounting for the program "Ajur-L Warehouse".
13. Possibility for fast document transformation for "Advanced purchase".
14. Added column "Amount without VAT" in report "Received invoices".
15. Hide the disabled users in "Edit income/expense" or "New income/expense" in "Cash ledger".
16. Moved settings to category "Print":
- "Print transfer document by sale price";
- "Print write off document by sale price".
17. Renamed option "Print transfer document by sale price" to "Print transfer document"
18. Possibility to print transfer document by sale price of the receiving location.
19. Possibility to change the size of the file dialog window.
20. Renamed operation "Refund" to "Reversal" for bulgarian language.
21. Optimization of report "Production list - complex production".
22. Optimization of report "Import processing".
23. Fixed bug - button "Options" is visible in edit of "Transfer".
24. Fixed bug - an error in export to "Ajur-L Warehouse" of "Sales" -> "Issued invoices" -> "Document No".
25. Fixed bug - an error in save to "Application log" of nomenclature's changes in "Revaluation".
26. Fixed bug - an error in print received invoices and invoice with number which is not number for country Romania.
27. Fixed bug - an error in creating of operation "Purchase" from reports.
28. Fixed bug - an error in canceling of advance payment in database with document numbers by locations.
29. Fixed bug - an error in reprint documents "Sales on consignment".
30. Fixed bug - an error when file name contains a dot.
31. Fixed bug - an error in generating of reports "Paid and unpaid documents by locations, operations and by users" when working with database MySQL Server.
32. Fixed bug - an error in generating of reports in "Documents" when working with database MySQL Server.
33. Fixed bug - an error in generating of reports in "Items" when working with database MySQL Server.
34. Fixed bug - an error in generating of reports in "Nomenclatures" when working with database MySQL Server.
35. Fixed bug - an error in generating of "Document Transformation" when working with database MySQL Server.
36. Fixed bug - an error when starting the program with new MySQL Server database on Linux OS.
37. Fixed bug – wrong date in auto production after sale on consignment.
38. Fixed bug - an error in export of "Price list".
39. Fixed bug - an error in window "Document numbers by locations".
40. Fixed bug - an error in generating of "Balance of Items Report".
41. Fixed bug - an error in quantity when adding an item with ratio via "Barcode 2".
1. The "Note" button is allowed for the same notes in all lines.
2. Changed in the "Touch Screen":
- Payment by voucher is displayed in the cash journal
- Added memorization of the note field when a check is postponed or the operation is restored
- Added validation by phone number
- Added possibility to select the party in the work method "select lots"
3. Added possibility to delete all notes at once in all lines in the operation.
4. Added possibility to make a note when transforming documents.
5. Added "Update" button in the cash ledger window.
6. Added possibility to create price rules for the operations Order and Offer.
7. The "Catalog", "Barcode" and "Description" fields have been added as conditions in the price rules.
8. Added possibility to set a negative discount in the price rules.
9. Added reports in the "Reports manager (Owner)" (for Bulgaria):
- Sales summary;
- Sales data;
- Detailed sales data;
- Canceled sales;
- Annulated sales;
- Purchases summary;
- Details of the purchases;
- The movement of goods for the period;
- Nomenclature.
10. Report task panel in "Reports" is enabled by default.
11. Added displaying of an auxiliary list of items when entering the name of a new item.
12. Added setting of default quantity when adding an item to the operation.
13. Added possibility to reprint operations from the report task panel in the reports.
14. Added possibility to edit operations from the report task panel in reports.
15. Added option to receive invoice upon purchase.
16. When editing a partner and user have Operator access level, it is prohibited to change the price group.
17. When creating a partner and users access level is "Operator", the price group is set to "Retail Price" without the possibility of change.
18. The setting "Transfer of sale prices" in the Transfer has been deactivated.
19. Check of barcodes with special characters.
20. Added the country of Malawi.
21. In the "Stock-taking", when the object changes, the quantities of the added goods are updated.
22. Added possibility to select a group of VAT when making an advance payment.
23. Added generating a name by-default when copying a price rule.
24. Added modes of recalculation of warehouse quantities: full, partial.
25. Added possibility to print a list of selected price rules.
26. Information about the viewed reports is recorded in the "Application log".
27. Added automatic "Request" to supplier of goods lacks in the sale.
28. Added check for duplicate name when editing or copying the price rule.
29. In the filters to the reports to the "greater than", "less than" and "equal to" added "different from".
30. In the "Cash Ledger" for users with a level of access higher than "Operator" and attached to the object, a filter by user name is available.
31. The "Advanced purchase" has been added to "Import operations".
32. Added possibility to search for more than one group of items in the "Reports".
33. Added filters in the "Price Rules" window.
34. When transforming documents Delete or Modify, the option to delete only transformed lines is added.
35. Added rounding options:
- Rounding up to
- Rounding down to
- Mathematical rounding to
- Marketing rounding
36. When importing from Excel as a separator for a group and a subgroup, slashes / or \ work as well.
37. Fixed bug – Annulment of an invoice does not invalidate its number.
38. Fixed bug – Closing the program, if in the Cash Journal -> New Income/Expense is entered without the User.
39. Fixed bug – When deleting an operation that is paid by card, a record was created in the cash book.
40. Fixed bug – "Apply to all" from the "Note to operation" window did not work for the Custom Production operation.
41. Fixed bug – Error exporting report with more than 26 columns to PDF.
42. Fixed bug – "Stock-taking" was not displayed in the menu "Edit" -> "Documents".
43. Fixed bug – Error if forbidden characters are present in the barcode or catalogue.
44. Fixed bug – Error when editing bonuses (electronic points) from payment types.
45. Fixed bug – Error when entering a large number of digits in the field "Price" - in the Price Rules.
46. Fixed bug – Error when fast invoicing enabled and delete of the Purchase.
47. Fixed bug – Error with duplicate Barcode 3 and Catalogue 3.
48. Fixed bug – Inaccuracy in the visualization of price rules in the "Locator".
49. Fixed bug – Error of importing operation "Incoming control".
1. GDPR verification.
2. A new print when a document in the “Edit Stock-taking” window is selected.
3. Optimization of weighted average price calculation.
4. A new "User" column and option to filter by it at the "Cash book".
5. Changes at the "Commercial screen":
- When pressing the "ESCAPE" button the previous numerical value of the fields is being returned;
- Option to add a note when ending an operation;
- Optimization when searching a partner;
- Option to add an email/phone when a country Russia is selected (F3-54);
- When adding an item via its lot, the number of the row is being updated;
6. The Uganda country has been added.
7. The Uzbekistan country has been added.
8. Edit/remove companies that do not exist at the “Catalogue 3” field.
9. Coloring the source document for the operation at the “Document transformation” window.
10. Turn off the lot selection when editing the quantity at “Under selection” mode.
11. Option to fix a table’s column in the result window for “Report(s)”.
12. In the “Document transformation” window the state of the window for option “Delete/edit document” is being saved.
13. Option to sort by “Location” column at the “Payment” window.
14. “Watermark at the “item’s code” field, previewing auto code, minimal code at the group and minimal code at the base.
15. Romania: added a “To invoice” (Nr fact de baza”) column when re-printing delivery at the “Payments” window and when editing a delivery.
16. User password complexity validation.
17. Tax ID verification and auto completion of the fields when editing a partner.
18. When creating/editing an operation a message for the need of quantity recalculation appears.
19. Option for group payment per client or location.
20. Option to edit the “Type of the document attached” field at the “Input control” operation.
21. When a standard document with a set company logo is being previewed, a logo appears.
22. When a translation is missing for the selected language, an English translation appears.
23. It is not allowed to add prices different from the ones for the location when an item is created by a user, who is locked to the location.
24. An option to print advance payments via Smart Printer.
25. Program loading optimization.
26. Activated “reader mode” for the table when pressing the middle button of the mouse.
27. “Partners’ activity by date” report actualization.
28. Fixed bug – not possible to close the program after operation execution in the “Commercial screen”.
29. Fixed bug – an error at the payment window for the “Import processing invoice” operation.
30. Fixed bug – an error at adding an hour at the report’s window.
31. Fixed bug – an error when recovering a base that has been currently active.
32. Fixed bug – The setting for prices incl. VAT is not activated when creating a new base.
33. Fixed bug – wrong date and time format at the reports->documents->cash receipts and the Access base.
34. Fixed bug – wrong saving of a payment at the cash book when editing a payment.
35. Fixed bug – redistribution of lots when double clicking on the quantity field in the Revision operation.
36. Fixed bug – an error when Transformation from Sale to Warranty card.
37. Fixed bug – Inaccuracy at bases with lots and auto operations.
38. Fixed bug – When an item is added through its lot, the quantity increases in geometric progression when performing automated production.
39. Fixed bug – A problem when activating the “Document numeration by locations” at base with completed operations.
40. Fixed bug – inaccuracy at the “Payments by partners” and “Payments by documents” reports.
41. Fixed bug – Not possible to perform operations with a user with a number name.
42. Fixed bug – an error when selecting Notice to Payment.
43. Fixed bug – an error when importing to tax documents.
44. Fixed bug - error in generating report for Received Credit Notes.
45. Information for basic quantity and difference in the window for selecting lot.
46. Sum up quantities in the window for selecting lot with at ALT + UP or ALT + DOWN.
47. Option for negative discount in the partner's details.
48. Option to change the "Note" field for all rows of the operation.
49. Option to disable the "Quick Search" function in the window for selecting lot.
1. Added possibility to set a discount in "Touch Screen".
2. Changed logic of mathematical operators "\" (integer division) and "%" (fission residue) in price rules.
3. Added options in the Import Processing operation (Charging VAT Active/Inactive).
4. Added country Nigeria.
5. Added prohibition of edit of Operation "Revision".
6. Added synchronization of the type of payment when issuing an invoice with that of the sale associated with it.
7. Removed Lock of the user in reports when user is locked to an object.
8. Removed the leading zeros in the invoice numbers - Romania.
9. Added missing icons (in Operations, Edit and Reports) to the main menu of the program.
10. Added coloring Purchases with invoices received in Edit -> Documents -> Purchases.
11. Added coloring of the rows (already transformed) in the Document Transformation window.
12. Changes in "Touch Screen":
- Added possibility of pending receipt;
- Added possibility to change the order (position) of a group in the list - by users;
- Added possibility to edit a group and set a picture to it;
- Added possibility to clear the entire operation;
- When "Log advanced data in the Application Log" is enabled, all actions of the user are recorded;
- Saving of the current operation after a forced exit;
- Proper distribution by lots while saving sale;
- Added helping text with name of lot on the "quantity" field;
13. Optimization of database selection (MS SQL Server) in settings.
14. Added remember the measure units when creating an item.
15. After "Restore Default Window Settings" in window of the document selection, the default filter is "Today".
16. Added report "Turnover by months".
17. Added possibility to edit the type of the accompanying document in the Incoming Control operation.
18. Added repeat of lot selection when quantity changed.
19. VAT changed to 15% for South Africa.
20. Refresh the balance of advance payments when you delete a period.
21. Improving the algorithm for calculating an average price at Revision.
22. Added possibility to perform a group payment when selected rows with different partners.
23. Optimization of work of the cash book when editing or deleting a documents paid in cash.
24. Added possibility to enter a note by row in operations.
25. Updated the InvoiceNir3 document for Romania.
26. Updated the RegistruDeCasa report for Romania.
27. Added report for Russia "Вкрытие и списание тары алкогольных и пивных товаров".
28. Hide an Incoming Control operation in countries other than Bulgaria.
29. Added a Producer Column to the Incoming Control operation.
30. When transforming documents, the new document takes the selling prices of the source if they are different from 0.
31. Added payment type "E-points".
32. Added possibility to issue a cash receipt when paying from a support panel.
33. Optimization of the "Extra Columns in Operations" setting, plus context menu for switching on/off columns, Code, Barcode, Catalog, Note in the operation window.
34. Added "Options" button in the "Transfer" operation.
35. Added "Options" button in the "Advanced purchase" operation.
36. Added column ExternalInvoiceNumber in "Reports -> Documents -> Supplier notes -> Received Invoices" and "Reports -> Documents -> Issued-> Issued Invoices".
37. Added possibility to choose items when duplicating standard or weight barcodes.
38. Fixed bug - double activation of a window for selection an item in the "Touch screen".
39. Fixed bug - Enter does not work to move between fields in the " Touch screen".
40. Fixed bug - incorrect information when selecting "Edit Item" from the context menu in the "Touch Screen".
41. Fixed bug - after cancel of payment, the new line is not locked for editing in "Touch screen".
42. Fixed bug - wrong preview of reports when selecting "Print" and "Sending e-mail".
43. Fixed bug - after saving the operation, the value of the document source field (SrcDocID) is not cleared.
44. Fixed bug - date did not change in the status bar when the system date is changed.
45. Fixed bug - inaccuracy after import of operations without filled in notes per line.
46. Fixed bug - error when adding items with scanner to operation.
47. Fixed bug - after adding an item with a barcode reader, the first entered symbol on the keypad is lost - "Touch Screen".
48. Fixed bug - input control problem with numeration by objects enabled.
49. Fixed bug - loss of relation sale-production in the combining of sales associated with automated production.
50. Fixed bug - there is no payment type for import/export of invoices and other tax documents.
51. Fixed bug - incorrect titles of the filter fields by date and time in the "Reports Manager (Owner)" and "Report Manager".
52. Added setting on/off for field "Discount" in the "Touch screen".
53. Fixed bug - when the database was changed, the selected user did not change.
54. Added restriction of entering discounts above 100% in operations and in the partner card.
1. Updates in “Point of Sale” window:
- Resized button for selecting an item.
- Optimized automatic selection of location and partner when starting the program.
- Advance payment option
- Option to hide keyboard
- The setting for items on stock in the “Point of sale” window is directly connected with those for items on stock in the window for select item.
2. Limitation of invoice number only in numeration of locations.
3. Added option “ Price change with/without VAT” in operation “Invoice for import”.
4. Added new and updated old documents and reports. Full list with updates find here: http://microinvest.net/pub/ReportsPro_3.07.049.xlsx
5. In case of missing the selected document in window “Select document”, the buttons “OK” and “Void” are forbidden.
6. Added visual styles for the list with frequently used partner in the wizard of new database.
7. Right alignment of the text “Do not show again” in “Startup screen”.
8. When moving a report in the program and start window is active, the report is visualized on the start window.
9. Optimization of “Startup screen” –minimization, maximization and closing of the window is not possible except with the option “Do not show again”.
10. Optimized column size in tables after „Restore Default Window Setting“ (find in menu “Window”).
11. Functionality for printing fiscal receipts to Microinvest Smart Printer.
12. Added new functionality for voiding few invoices without closing the window in:
- Void issued Invoice (find in menu Operations/ Invoicing);
- Void Credit Note (find in menu Operations/ Invoicing);
- Void Debit Note (find in menu Operations/ Invoicing);
13. In Window “Edit production” button OK executes reprint.
14. Optimized loading of the window for selecting item in operation Purchases.
15. Optimized fast search in Reports Manager, Reports Manager (Owner) and in the window for selecting document in Print Manager.
16. Window “Point of Sale” saves (serialize) the column widths of the operation table.
17. In the window “Point of Sale” when switching users with the same passwords, the first user with a status “frequently used” will login, if he exists as such in the system.
18. Added option to choose from a list with operations for received debit note and received credit note in Report menu:
- Payments by document;
- Payments by partner;
- Payment history;
- Incomes.
19. The search in the window with lots is possible now and in the text box, not only by first letter.
20. Prohibition of entering a fractional number for a quantity if the unit of measurement is any of the following:
- number;
- package;
- carton box;
- wrapping;
- packing case.
21. The following columns in the reports for issued debit and credit notes are added:
- Reason;
- Description;
- Place;
- Operation Notice.
22. When creating new database if the configuration “VAT included” is not enabled, then it is enabled by default.
23. Optimized loading of the information for Crystal Reports documents.
24. Added option to fill-in quantity from scale in “Point of Sale” window.
25. Georgian language is improved.
26. Improvements in the translation of Spanish language.
27. The formula for recalculating the cost is complex production is changed.
28. When adding new item in the database and put the cursor over the field, the following information shows:
- Automatic code (the largest one from the database);
- Minimal free code for the respective group (the lowest one in the same group);
- Minimal free code in the database ( the lowest free code in the database);
29. Optimized export to Excel 97-2003 and Excel in the window for reports.
30. Fixed bug – not possible to save operation “Warranty card” when long text is entered in field “Serial number” or “Warranty period”.
31. Fixed bug – visual discrepancies with cutting text and incorrect drawing of controls with applied visual styles.
32. Fixed bug - visual discrepancy when switching one partner with another, who is working with another price group or discount.
33. Fixed bug – mistake in window “Issue invoice” when number of the invoice is not entered.
34. Fixed bug – when the Startup screen is closed from the button “Do not show again” and then the window “Point of Sale” is opened and closed, the program shuts down and writes an error in the Application log.
35. Fixed bug – when a table with reports is being minimized, it starts moving when goes to the smallest possible size.
36. Fixed bug – in the window “Point of sale” when switching user and entering password of an user, who is not used, the login is with the previous used user.
37. Fixed bug – not possible to save operation Purchase when too long text is entered in the fields Lot, Serial Number and Location.
38. Fixed bug - inaccuracies in "Note to operation" in the window for operation.
39. Fixed bug – visual discrepancies in “Point of sale” window.
40. Fixed bug – Edit/Documents /Merge documents/Sales works when there is a document with issued invoice.
41. Fixed bug – incorrect loading of a partner and location, which are not used, when “Point of Sale” window is being opened.
42. Fixed bug – an error when attempting to open a non-privileged directory by using the "ENTER" key in a dialog box.
43. Fixed bug - visual discrepancies in New version window.
44. Fixed bug – incorrect message when working with database MySQL and using menu Invoicing/Receive Invoice
45. Fixed bug – an error in Merge Documents and Issued Invoices when working with database MySQL.
46. Fixed bug – an error in the window for selecting document for print after operation.
47. Fixed bug – in “Point of Sale” window when selecting items, the service group “Items” shows two times.
48. Fixed bug – error when Deleting a period.
49. Fixed bug – in price rule for changing price and operation Purchases, the sale price is changed instead of the purchase price.
50. Fixed bug – in operation Purchases in window “Review operation with applied price rules” the following values Sum, VAT, and Total according to sale price are filled incorrectly.
1. A new "Touch Screen" Module optimized to operate in a touch screen commercial outlet.
2. Added company name when sending e-mail.
3. Auto-filling the e-mail box when printing the document.
4. Serializing the selected option (enabled/disabled) while printing barcode labels when performing a "Purchase" operation.
5. Serializing the value in the filter "Year" when making reports.
6. The following missing documents have been added:
- template004LOC_nir2.xls;
- template005_metro_sale1.xls;
- template008_kaufland_sale.xls;
- template009LOC_Consignment.xls;
- template010_noname_sale.xls;
- template010LOC_SalesOnConsignment.xls;
- templateowner016_pdastatistics.xls.
7. Optimization in the function of resizing buttons when switching a user.
8. Added "PaymentDays" to Crystal Reports Documents - Finland.
9. Corrected mismatch – impossibility to export an Excel report when there are forbidden characters or if the number of allowed characters for sheet name is exceeded.
10. Updated title of Toolbar for all languages.
11. List of new versions of the program is in descending order in the "Update" window.
12. Changed index names when creating an MS SQL Server database.
13. Added possibility to print receipts via Microinvest Smart Printer (http://microinvest.net/pub/Setup_SmartPrinter.exe).
14. Optimization of the download window for the latest version of the program.
15. Update the translation in the E-mail Sending Window.
16. Corrected mismatch - error in reports "Payments by Documents", "Payment history", and "Incomes" for work with MySQL.
17. Corrected mismatch - a problem opening the "Settings" when selected Turkmen language.
18. Corrected mismatch - do not worked recalculation of the column "% appreciation" when made create/edit of "Advanced purchase" operation.
19. Corrected mismatch - "Stock-taking" problem when goods in stock is "0".
20. Corrected mismatch - change of field "Discount" does not immediately affect the "Amount " field under "Advanced purchase".
21. Corrected mismatch - wrong goods price after transformation into "Stock-taking".
22. Corrected mismatch - wrong price in the document after "Full stock-taking".
23. Corrected mismatch - when a payment in permissions is forbidden, there was a payment option from the help panel.
24. Corrected mismatch - inaccuracies in "Import of operations" with a LOT with expiry date and date of manufacture.
25. Corrected mismatch - "Load state" does not work in the "Reports" window.
26. Corrected mismatch - when filling in the filter of Quick search does not need to be performed the user level.
27. Corrected mismatch in the "Automatic operations" window when the "Items from selected supplier only" check box is added, after pressing the "OK" button in the operation window also includes goods that have not been delivered by the Supplier.
28. Corrected mismatch - an error message is displayed when a document is transformed to "Advanced purchase".
1. Added possibility to update current (actual) quantities of goods in the " Stock-taking" operation, by clicking on the "Refresh" button.
2. Added the column "Last purchase price" in the "Advanced purchase" operation.
3. Added the column "Purchase price" in the operation "Advanced purchase" with the possibility of editing.
4. Changed settings for e-mail / password / SMTP, responsible for sending e-mails from operations and reports.
5. Added possibility of automatically sending of operations and documents via e-mail.
6. Added possibility to send reports by e-mail.
7. Reduced the font size when exporting the report to PDF.
8. Unification of shortcut keys for service functions - CTRL + SHIFT + F8.
9. Added filter by transactions in reports:
- Payments by Documents
- Payments history
- Incomes
10. Improved algorithm of a quick search of document in the Print Manager.
11. Disabled by default of zero quantities in the menu "Options" window Operations.
12. Changed algorithm for global production - operation "Order in a restaurant" is excluded.
13. Added country Kuwait.
14. Added country Bahrain.
15. Deleted link "Do not show again" for the selected country Saudi Arabia.
16. Increased the size of the "Active Database" window with a long name or a path to the database.
17. When working with the MS SQL Server database, the program changes the AutoClose parameter in the database to false.
18. When a user is bound to an object, price changes that are not the price group of the object are prohibited in the following windows:
- Edit of the item
- Change prices
- Revaluation
19. The reports for EGAIS are included in the main report package.
20. Added the following search modes in the "Locator":
- Quick search - without converting numeric values
- Search by first letters
- Extended search - with conversion of numerical values
21. The colors of search results are improved when searching by the first letters in the "Locator".
22. Corrected Russian translation in the window Payment.
23. Corrected translations in the "Customize toolbar" window.
24. Fixed bug - when Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP5 is installed, Crystal documents are printed on the default printer.
25. Fixed bug - inaccuracies in the description of documents in the Print Manager.
26. Fixed bug - impossibility to print invoice with 100% discount.
27. Fixed bug - removal of the period was stopped by 40% in databases with imported operations from the Utility Center.
28. Fixed bug - impossibility of choosing goods with negative quantities in the "Stock-taking" operation.
29. Fixed bug - incorrect calculation of the purchase price when working with currencies when making a sale.
30. Fixed bug - incorrect icons for the operations "Fast document transformation" and "Advanced purchase".
31. Fixed bug - an error at creation of the Stock-taking with the parameter "Hide quantities" turned on.
32. Fixed bug - when working with MySQL database, the last selling price was not displayed.
33. Fixed bug - when adding more than one line in the operation and a fractional quantity less than 1, the message "Entries with zero quantities were found" was displayed during recording.
1. Added possibility to create operation "Advanced purchase" of the additional panel in "Reports".
2. Added " Advanced purchase" in the transformation of documents.
3. Added possibility to save condition of the window "Select Document".
4. Added possibility to make invoice directly from button "Options" in operation "Sales".
5. Added filter by database type in "Print Manager / Selecting a Document".
6. Added filter "Without null quantities".
7. Added warning for reaching the maximum allowed range of the numeration in "Issue of invoice".
8. Change in the arrangement of documents in the "Print Manager" corresponding to that in the "Operations".
9. Added filter in report "Availability as of" for locations with the status "Location -> Disabled" and quantities greater than 0.
10. Improved algorithm for checking the nominal and minimum quantity of goods.
11. Added Country Universal.
12. Added Turkmen language.
13. Added Country "Turkmenistan".
14. Added possibility to choose a specific Purchase in module of change the prices.
15. Print only selected nomenclatures in the windows Items, Partners, Locations, Users, Currencies.
16. Revision of the Georgian translation.
17. Added posibility to choose state "frequently used" for partner in Wizzard of creating a new database.
18. Added documents with pictures for the following operations:
- Sale
- Transfer
- Write-off
- Consign items
- Order
- Proforma
- Request
- Offer (all styles)
19. Added button "Export to Accounting" at StartUp screen when selected country Germany.
20. Added possibility to perform "Fast transformation".
21. Added a Turkish translation of the license agreement.
22. Removed link "Do not show" when chosen country Germany.
23. Optimized the selection of quantities while reading weight barcode when working with lots.
24. Updated display name while editing item by scanning the barcode and downloading information from the "cloud".
25. Optimized the search in "Edit / Administration / Change prices".
26. Optimization in the windows of the program on long text area that are not collected in a specific place.
27. Corrected mismatch - duplicate delivery price for handling currency.
28. Increasing speed-up for visualization of Reports with long lists.
29. Update in the headquarter address of Microinvest in "Help -> About".
30. Correction of classic documents in all languages with long texts.
31. Fixed bug - error-free operation and batch invoice processing fee.
32. Fixed bug - error when trying to delete an empty field in "Complex recipes".
33. Fixed bug - an option to edit selling price in the "Advanced purchase".
34. Fixed bug - an error in report with no result and calling the "Edit Document" from task panel.
35. Fixed bug – key combination Ctrl + A in the window for selection of nomenclatures is now working.
1. Added new items in the Wizard database when the selected country Germany.
2. Added a new VAT group: C - 0% when creating a new database with the chosen country Germany.
3. Added translation for types of operations for the following languages: Greek, Spanish, Armenian, Georgian, Polish, Ukrainian, Latvian, Finnish, Arabic.
4. Added ability to import operation ''Purchase'' with the included fields "Production date ", and "Best before" when chosen work method - with Lots.
5. Added ability to set access rights for the button ''Cancellation'' when you pay in advance.
6. Partitioning for Lots in the transformation of all types of operations to stock-taking.
7. Updating the translation into Arabic.
8. Updating the translation into Finnish.
9. Synchronization of the date format in the program, accordance with the Windows system settings.
10. Refresh the status of the controls on the window "Export to Accounting" when changing "Product".
11. Improved export of the report to .pdf.
12. Improved export of the report to Open Office.
13. Optimization and improvement of import nomenclatures.
14. Ability to select the status "Frequently used" in the window "Add items".
15. In the window "Add items" in the field "Group" added the default group "Goods".
16. Depending on the country are added 2 new fields "Note 1" and "Note 2", when editing a partner, in section "Data for printing".
17. When editing location for registration in section "Additional information" are added 2 new fields "Note 1" and "Note 2", depending on the country selected. For country Kazakstan they are "Note" and "КВЕ".
18. In case of founded inconsistency in the database related with the numeration of the opretaion, a message is written in the "Application dairy".
19. Fixed bug - when selected visual style, except "Classic", in the window "Edit user" in the field "State" the part of text "The user is frequently used, is displayed in the first place" to be seen.
20. Fixed bug - an error while creating a new SQL-server database from the "Settings" window.
21. Fixed bug - error when Lot mode in the touch screen when you select an item and press CTRL+F.
22. Fixed bug – error in report "date of payment" and working in the following languages: Greek, Spanish, Armenian, Georgian, Polish, Ukrainian, Latvian, Finnish, Arabic.
23. Fixed bug - does not display the group names in the window "Add items" for the selected visual style other than "Classic".
24. Fixed bug - in the window of operation for large values of the sum of the field "Amount", "VAT" and "Total" are displaced and hiding under the table with the Lots.
25. Fixed bug - the wrong set the first day of the week in the calendar when Finnish language selected.
26. Fixed bug - when importing operation "Transfer" with set numeration by the documents, the documents numeration will be imported with the numeration by the object to where makes tranfering.
27. Fixed bug - when makes Stock-taking and adding the Item and new Lot and then sort by rows, field "Lot" and Income price can be edited.
28. Added Turkish translation of the license agreement in the installer of software.
29. Tree structure of reports in "Reports manager" and "Owner Reports" windows is avaible when the program is started for first time
30. Added set of documents in A5 format - portrait and landscape.
31. Added set of documents 80 mm for printing on kitchen printer.
32. Added document for EGAIS.
1. Added primary help window with the most frequently used functions at startup.
2. Added country KSA
3. Added localization for country KSA.
- Currency SAR - Saudi Riyal (ر.س)
- VAT group A-0%
4. Added country Turkmenistan .
5. Added localization for country Turkmenistan
- Currency TMT (Turkmenistani Manat - manat, coins – tenge)
- VAT group - А-0%, B-15%
6. When Finland is selected as a country in the window for add/edit partner in “Print Information” tab, there is a new field to add birth date.
7. Improving the algorithm for displaying the amount "In words" / "With the words" for Kirigistan as added tiыn (hundredth of SOM).
8. Ability to "Send a message to Microinvest" when an error occurs or there is a suggestion by the user.
9. When creating nomenclature of the operators, from “New database wizard”, the first user is with access level Owner and all others – as “Operator”.
10. In “New database wizard” is added automatic numeration of codes when entering:
- Partners
- Locations
- Operators
11. The selected country Kazakhstan in the window "Location for registration" in the section "Additional Information" is added field KBE.
12. In Reports->Nomenclatures-> Users the column “Company” is corrected to “”Location for registration”.
13. Added new function “Optimization of rounding” till 6th sign after the decimal separator of all exponential values “Edit->Adminsitration->Service menu”.
14. Added is option to print a document for payment in “Grouped payment”.
15. Forbidden is “Grouped payment” in Edit->Payments->Payments, when selection for documents, issued by different partners.
16. Ban on "Grouped payment” from operator locked to a location to such different from the one he is locked to.
17. Optimization of row height when printing reports.
18. New possibility for reverse sorting in the windows for selecting goods, partners, locations and operators when double click over the title of the column.
19. In Automatic operation when “ is enabled "Round quantites up to additional measure", when filling the table of operation, second measure unit is selected with the rounded quantity.
20. Payment with voucher is written in the “Cash book” as “Type of payment” – “Sale” (income).
21. Fixed bug – creating a price rule from the assistant for client’s obligation.
22. Fixed bug – error in “Revaluation” and change of the delivery price.
23. Fixed bug – not correct set of access level in some documents.
24. Fixed bug - not correct set of access level for edit of some fields in operation “Revision” when selecting a good from window “Goods”.
25. Fixed bug – import of operations with type > 100.
26. Fixed bug – in "Reports -> Payments-> Payments Due" Dates is missing translation if the list with operations for the following languages: Armenian, Arabic, Georgian, Finnish, Latvian, Polish, Spanish, Ukrainian.
1. Option for executing the following "Automatic operations":
- Delivery
- Transfer
- Write out
- Order
- Offer
- Proforma
- Request
2. New functionality for printing documents with pictures:
- Stock receipt for sale of items with pictures
- Protocol for returning items on consignation with pictures
- Protocol for writing out items on consignation with pictures
- Offer with pictures
- Order with pictures
- Request with pictures
3. Added new country Kirgizstan
4. Added localization for country Kirgizstan:
- Currency Сом
- VAT - А-12%, B-1%, C-2%, D-0%
5. Added new sales document showing the items with its selling price, without discounts applied.
6. Added option "Do not ask me more" in the messages for duplicating of:
- Code, name, barcode, catalog number when add/edit items
- Code name, VAT number, identification number when addi/edit partner
- Code when addi/ edit location
- Code name when add/edit user
7. Optimization of the interface when showing long name of company in the status bar of the program.
8. Detecting of price barcode from the following type: 2800001$$$.$$c.
9. Added new column “VAT group” in Reports/Nomenclatures/Items.
10. Added new column „Price group” in Reports/Nomenclatures/ Locations.
11. Added new columns in Reports/Nomenclatures/Users:
- Access level
- Location
- Location for registration
12. Correction of the vat % for Greece valid from 01.06.2016:
- Α 24%
- B 13%
- Γ 6%
- Δ 36%
13. When importing nomenclatures, it is created list with the missing elements (partners, items) with the following name Import_Errors.txt.
14. Improving the algorithm impor nomenclatures for checking invalid values as not allowed characters, duplicated goods / partners and others invalid data.
15. Removed confirmation message for reprinting a document.
16. New functionality – option to print documents with barcode:
- Document “Request” printed with barcode
- Document “Offer” printed with barcode
- Document “Order” printed with barcode
- Document “Protocol for write out items” printed with barcode
- Document “Refund” printed with barcode
- Document “Stock Receipt for delivery ” printed with barcode
- Document “Stock Receipt for sale ” printed with barcode
- Document “Stock Receipt for transfer of items” printed with barcode
17. Denomination of currency in Belarus:
- Change in the rounding from "000" to "0.00"
- Default currency – BYN when creating new database
- Correction in the VAT % in document for reappraisal
- Correction in the algorithm for transformation the sum “with words”
- Update of printed forms
18. Fixed bug - when Russian language and country Belarus are selected, in the help wizard to create a new base , the list with goods is in English.
19. Fixed bug – record in the cash group of the amount in the accumulatied electronic points from price rules
20. Fixed bug – incorrect language for the list with countries in Arabic language.
21. Fixed bug – when creating new database for country Kirgizstan, the default settings to be as for country Russia.
22. Fixed bug – in the “Print Manager“ when choosing “Report on consignment”, the document is not displayed after recording operation.
23. Fixed bug – in case of no fiscal device (cash register, fiscal printer, POS printer) it is forbidden printing fiscal receipt.
24. Fixed bug – incorrect numeration when crossing different operations (sale, delivery)
1. Significant increase in the speed time of the product when working with MS SQL Server or MSDE database.
2. Improvement of module “Add Items”.
3. Option to select more than one document when issuing credit and debit note, when partners have the same names for printing.
4. The following countries are available for work:
    - Latvia
    - United Kingdom
    - UAE
    - Oman
    - Cuba
    - Finland
5. Localization for country Latvia:
    - Currency EUR (euro)
    - VAT groups – A-21%
    - Translation to Latvian
6. Localization for country UK:
    - Currency GBP(British Pound)
    - VAT groups – A-20%, B-5%, C-0%
7. Localization (translation) for UAE:
    - Currency AED (Arab Emirates Dirham)
    - VAT group – A-0%
8. Localization (translation) for Oman:
    - Currency Omani Rial
    - VAT group – A-0%
9. Localization for Cuba:
    - Currency CUC (Cuban Convertible Peso)
    - VAT group – A-0%
10. Localization for Finland:
    - Currency EUR (euro)
    - VAT group – A-24%, B-14%, C-10%
    - Translation to Finnish
11. Improvement of the mechanism for editing received credit note by sum.
12. Optimization in the algorithm for determine price group of the items, no matter of the sequence: select partner, select location.
13. When is disabled edit items and the price rule for discount by groups, the function “drag and drop” is limited for the respected user in window “Items”.
14. Update in Russian language for reports "Revision”, column “Notes”.
15. Improvement of the algorithm for search when enter “+/-“ in locator Nomenclatures.
16. Correction of the serial number of operation after using the "Transformation of documents".
17. Calling the “Wizard for creating database” when new database is created from menu Settings.
18. Prohibition for selection condition "User is not used" when there are only defined owner and operator.
19. For country Belarus change in the default rounding from 10 to 100.
20. Change in the default settings of VAT groups - TVA A 20%; TVA B 9%; TVA C 5%; TVA D 0%.
21. Improvement for the following documents for country Romania:
    - RegistruDeCasa.rpt
- RegistruDeCasa.mur
- InvoiceNir3.rpt
- InvoiceNIRRomania.rpt
22. Unification of the value for the field "Number of the transaction" with payments made from Warehouse Pro Light.
23. Optimization in the loading of items in operation “Sale” when using MYSQL database.
24. New function for finding Getti cards with prefix 0708753.
25. Modification of parameter / Unlock - to function the parameter, then after it should be introduced service password.
26. Show the correct pricing group in edit items according to the location to which the active user is hooked.
27. Optimization in generating the next free (beginning with "20") barcode upon reaching the maximum value.
28. Ability to move with arrow "up" / "down" in the table with results in "Locator".
29. Option when entering words in the "Locator" to show only rows with cells containing data, starting with the first searched word.
30. Improvement of calculating the quantities in "Automatic request" by supplementary measure unit and supplement the nominal quantity.
31. For Russian market only – changes in accordance with the new application EGAIS.
32. Added a new type of export to accounting system in menu Edit> Administration> Export to Accounting -> Business Navigator Version 4, with the addition of UIC and form of payment.
33. Fixed bug – fixed error in module “Add Items” when clearing field, where item’s barcode is entered.
34. Fixed bug – the price rule round the currency rate in format “a whole number”.
35. Fixed bug - undetectable consignment when the item is not used.
36. Fixed bug - corrected error when creating new database with nomenclatures, because two records (values) are saved for one and the same setting.
37. Fixed bug - corrected error when cancel selection of item in operation Delivery.
38. Fixed bug - corrected error when select “filter” in Edit->Payments->Payments.
39. Fixed bug – corrected error in item with sum “0” in operation “Point of sale module”.
40. Fixed bug of wrong or missing icons in Menu->Windows.
41. Fixed bug – corrected error when calculating VAT in “Receive credit note” when the partner is set with discount.
42. Fixed bug - in "Import Operations" and "Hide delivery prices", "in review" supply costs are visible.
1. A new report added " Nomenclature which do not meet the requirements of the Android application".
2. Added filter of the goods condition in the Report "Report for minimal quantities" and " Goods under minimal quantities".
3. Added a service command ShowHID, visualizing HID for Hardware dongle registrations.
4. In Reports " Availability to date" and "Amount of goods" has been added a capability of grouping goods from different lots, shown in the reports, using lots.
5. Added a filter for grouping partners in following reports:

- Partners by Profit;
- Sales by partners;
- Locations by profit;
- Sales by Locations;
- Users by profit;
- Sales by users;
- Most Profitable Items;
- Best Selling Item by Amount;
- Best Selling Item by Quantity;

6. Correction of all documents related to Credit and Debit Notes.
7. Improvement of the "Revision" report.
8. Improvement of module "Operations" – The “Note” field is accumulating after grouping of operations.
9. Optimization of the functionality of the "Update " field in operation " Revision ".
10. Optimization of the functionality of creating a new group / subgroup in “Items”.
11. Fixed algorithm to change the value of an item in operation " Revaluation".
12. Fixed VAT groups - Greece.
13. Adjusting the functionality of module "Settings" - After changing the type of database, settings for MS SQL server are lost.
14. Correction in “Fisa De Magazie” report.
15. Adjusted document – “Stock receipt BILLA”.
16. Added a validation of the delivery price, if an operation of import (Supplies) has been accomplished.
17. Change of the format of the quantities in "Reporting / return of consignment".
18. Change the number of buttons in the button bar – in countries USA and Canada.
19. Fixed error when operation is created as a result from a report, using lots.
20. Fixed error in editing Payments (choosing way of payment and denial).
21. Fixed error in exportation to accounting of sales without invoices to Delta and Delta Pro.
22. Fixed error in export to accounting - Cash Report.
23. Fixed error in the creation of operation as a result of report ( created during automate production operation).
24. Fixed error during export of Sales and Consignments in module " Data Transfer".
25. Fixed error "Direct production" (Automatic recalculation of the cost of the production material has been deleted ).
26. Fixed error in operation “Extended delivery".
27. Fixed error in cancellation of a Credit note with the biggest possible number of the document.
28. Documentation of the product has been updated.
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