Microinvest WarehouseOpen is the newest member of the huge Microinvest product family.
The product is analogous to the Microinvest Warehouse Pro, which became Microinvest's best-seller last year.
Microinvest WarehouseOpen is an Open Source software that runs on Linux Operating System. The product is freeware, available to anyone who wants to enjoy modern, highly efficient Warehouse software on Linux OS.

To download the full version of the software(Live-CD, which can be easily installed), please click here

Microinvest WarehouseOpen has the following features:
1. It is an OpenSource project under GPL, fully developed for Linux OS;
2. It uses MySQL database;
3. Developed to work with Mono project: www.mono-project.com;
4. Supports and works with all Microinvest standard databases, which enable customers to use the product separately or as a part of complex software systems. 

Users working with Linux are free to choose their OS, to install it and work with all freeware Linux versions. As Microinvest shares the same ideology, Warehouse Open does not need any registration codes and can be downloaded from the company website. Moreover, the Open Source GPL license gives the users the opportunity to use MySQL Server and Open office free of charge, so they can build a fully efficient software system with performance equal to the one of an ERP system.

The main modules of the software are:

  • Sales, Retail and Wholesale
  • Invoicing (Issue/Void Invoice)
  • Goods
  • Supply and Delivery
  • Transfer
  • Waste
  • Point Of Sale (POS)
  • Stock-Tracking
  • A numerous range of reports (Sales, Transfers, Wastes, etc)

Microinvest guarantees that Warehouse Open application will be constantly developed, improved and updated together with the Windows versions of the product. Thus, the company ensures that Warehouse Open will be 100% compatible with ithe wide range of Microinvest products covering the areas of accounting, salary management, payroll and personnel administration etc.

Initial steps, installing and getting started with the product.

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